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Fakultät für Biologie, Chemie und Geowissenschaften

Biologie, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

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5./6. Semester Englischsprachkurse

Seit dem Sommersemester 2013 bietet das Sprachenzentrum Englischkurse speziell für Naturwissenschaftler an. Aufgrund der Inhalte und Anforderungen dieser Kurse empfiehlt sich eine Belegung frühestens ab dem 3. Fachsemester.

Für die Kurse zu "English for Academic Purposes I (EAP I)" ist keine Einstufung nötig. Sollten Sie diese Stufe überspringen wollen, müssten Sie für die Kurse zu "English for Academic Purposes II (EAP II)" an einer Einstufung teilnehmen. Alle wichtigen Infos dazu finden Sie hier.

Für die Anrechnung im Rahmen des Moduls „Berufsqualifizierende Fähigkeiten“ muss die Abschlussklausur bestanden werden. Die Abschlussnote spielt dabei keine Rolle. Ein Kurs wird mit 2 Leistungspunkten verrechnet.

Ab dem Wintersemester 2018/19 erfolgt die Anmeldung über cmlife.

Die genauen Kurstermine und die Anmeldung finden Sie auf cmlife. Obwohl die Kurse auch im Bachelor Biologie verknüpft sind, muss eine Anmeldung über die "Sprachausbildung" erfolgen.

  • Studium > "Studiengang" Sprachausbildung
  • Englisch > English for Academic Purposes I
  • Sprachkurs auswählen und unter dem Stichpunkt "Abhaltungstermine" befinden sich Kursparallelen und Veranstaltungstermine
  • sobald der Anmeldezeitraum erreicht ist, gelangen Sie über den grünen Button "T" für Teilnahme zum Anmeldefenster

Hinweise zu Anmeldung und Fristen finden Sie auf der Seite des Sprachenzentrums unter Sprachen und Sprachangebote.

Nach erfolgreicher Absolvierung muss durch eine E-Mail an das Prüfungsamt (pruefungsamt.bcg@uni-bayreuth.de) die Anerkennung und Eintragung im Studiengang Bachelor Biologie beantragt werden.

Vor dem Wintersemester 2018/19 erfolgte die Anmeldung über das Portal "FlexNow". Die so absolvierten Sprachkurse werden nicht automatisch in cmlife verbucht. Damit der Kurs ordnungsgemäß in cmlife für das Modul "Berufsqualifizierende Fähigkeiten" angerechnet wird, müssten Sie nach bestandener Abschlussprüfung eine E-Mail ans Prüfungsamt (pruefungsamt.bcg@uni-bayreuth.de) schicken und die Anerkennung beantragen.

Inhalte English for Academic Purposes I (EAP I) (Niveau B2+)

Weekly Writing Workshop
Writers write.This simple, yet powerful, statement will be one of the fundamental principles of Weekly Writing Workshop. This class will focus on the tasks of writing, editing, and peer review. Class time will be dedicated to students giving each other spontaneous and live feedback using a scoring sheet. Every week, students will have the opportunity to compete in the "Who wrote it best and why?" collegial competition. Though the writing assignments will be thematically open-ended, students will nonetheless be expected to pay particular attention to lexis, grammar and the 'mechanics' typical of academic writing. Through constant feedback and diagnostic activities, students will naturally build an understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses in writing. A new writing assignment each week will allow students to produce original content with, possibly, a little research and a lot of creativity.

English for Study Abroad:
This course meets the needs of students who plan to spend a study term at an English-medium university. Participants study a sample set of College Admissions Essays and proceed to create and customize their own versions. They also learn how to formulate an effective application for a place at a university of their choice and draft an appropriate letter of motivation. By providing participants with the opportunity to practice their English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, the course also serves as useful preparation for the English language tests required by such bodies as the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Academic Presentation Skills:
Students learn how to plan, prepare, practice and deliver a well-organized presentation. They receive guidance on how to develop the content of each stage of the presentation and how to highlight essential points. They practice using standard rhetorical phrases, soliciting and retaining audience attention and dealing with questions from the floor. They also receive advice on how to avoid typical errors in English, improve their English pronunciation and intonation, build confidence, and overcome nervousness when facing an audience in the target language. Special focus is placed on developing and expanding standard academic vocabulary. Participants likewise learn to create effective visuals to support their individual pitches.

Gateway to Academic English:
This class is designed to support students as they acquire the English language skills necessary for successful participation in academia. The typical tasks of an academic include: listening to lectures and presentations; reading primary and secondary reference materials; writing essays, proposals, and research papers; and communicating with peers and academic colleagues. In the companion course book, all of these tasks are modeled, analyzed, and discussed on the basis of authentic texts and scenarios. The class is structured so as to use the English language as a tool to improve critical thinking skills. These critical thinking skills (comparing and contrasting, analyzing and categorizing, explaining change and logical connections, describing order, measurement, discovery, and abstract expressions, etc.) are facilitated by an English language "toolbox". Along with the toolbox, academic vocabulary and grammar will be elaborated and consolidated through short, varied, and effective language activities.
Course book: Details will be announced in the first session.

Reading Research in English:
The overall goal of Reading Research in English is to expose students to reading techniques that will allow them to become independent learners. Participants will study a selection of texts sourced from typical undergraduate science degree programs (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth Sciences). This corpus will feature two distinct academic genres, namely, primary literature in the form of journal articles and secondary literature in the form of scientific textbooks (the latter naturally being tackled in the first part of course). By understanding both the purpose and target audience of these two academic genres, as well as applying the reading and language skills covered in class, students will improve their ability to efficiently and accurately read, process, take notes on, and retain the content of scientific texts. The class will also focus on developing a 'customized' lexicon of the vocabulary typically used in scientific and technical texts.

Inhalte English for Academic Purposes II (EAP II) (Niveau C1)
(For students who have successfully completed or been exempted from at least one EAP I course.)

Scientific and Technical Writing:
This course seeks to impart the means and methods of enhancing the readability and effectiveness of a scientific paper. Special emphasis is placed on the material that must be included in the Abstract, Introduction, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion of a manuscript. International publishing conventions as well as the role of referees in the publication of a research paper are explored and explained. Students will be asked to create original improvements to previously published works in their own area of expertise.

Multidisciplinary Project Collaboration in English:
The goal of this course is to promote cross-disciplinary communicative competence in academic and professional contexts. Students will participate in a true-to-life Working Project simulation. They will have the opportunity to choose and manage a project offering intrinsic value to every member of the group. The project will address an authentic problem that can only be resolved collaboratively and through multiple approaches based on the unique perspectives and insights afforded by various academic disciplines. It may well be a problem which pushes the boundaries of currently available knowledge, know-how and technology. Regardless of the magnitude thereof, a plan on how to solve the problem is always possible. Forging and documenting this plan is the end goal of the group project.
Students will develop their ability to logically plan a course of action and develop strategies for its execution, while maximizing group skills and resources and effectively defining and delegating individual tasks. They will learning to foresee potential hazards and hurdles and recognize dead-ends. Within their teams, participants will play multiple roles, including that of Leader, Researcher, Recorder, Prioritizer and Explorer. They will also gain a valuable appreciation of the ideational and cultural differences that may (or may not!) exist between 21st century academic disciplines.
Students will benefit from the opportunity to enhance the fluency and spontaneity of their spoken English and to develop their written skills as they chair and contribute to meetings, take minutes and write up reports. 


Für das Modul „Berufsqualifizierende Fähigkeiten“ können Sie auch eine andere Fremdsprache belegen. Ein gesonderter Antrag auf Anerkennung muss nicht gestellt werden. Nach Absolvierung eines Sprachkurses muss dem Prüfungsamt, am besten per E-Mail (pruefungsamt.bcg@uni-bayreuth.de), mitgeteilt werden, dass der entsprechende Kurs für das Modul angerechnet werden soll.

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